Q360 Infloor System

Saving time & energy one carefree pool at a time

Maximum cleaning & circulation efficiency engineered for today's modern pools

  • Automatically cleans your pool while you relax
  • Circulates water and chemicals to every square inch of your pool
  • Independently proven to reduce chemicals and energy costs
  • Q360 ® valve circulates with today’s latest energy efficient pumps
  • Q360 Performance Plus™ cleaning jets deliver more cleaning distance and more efficiency then ever
Energy dollar for energy dollar you get more cleaning power and flow with Q360+

Efficiently cleans and circulates in 4 easy steps

Debris is automatically swept into the main drain and sent to the debris canister

Maximum cleaning & circulation efficiency engineered for today's modern pools

Maximum performance at every RPM

The Q360 ® patented water valve is the heart of the Q360+ cleaning system. The proven track record of this ultra-efficient valve delivers maximum flow with minimal noise and water pressure variations making it the performance leader in the industry.

Smooth and effective water flow at any pump speed

6-port design distributes powerful water to each jet; systematically circulating the complete body of water

Transparent lid for viewing operation

8-veined Power Turbine for smooth energy transfer

Triple traction gear drive directs water flow

Two speeds available for maximum efficiency

New breakthrough performance jet

Setting new industry standards

Newly engineered Q360 Performance Plus™ cleaning jets feature a nozzle which improves cleaning like never before.

Enhanced cleaning performance

3 selectable nozzle designs for customised cleaning options

Exclusive Hybrid advancement mechanism provides 360° cleaning

5 colour options to blend into any surface

The most advanced drain on the market

Remove large debris with beauty and ease

Blends into any pool surface making it virtually invisible

Single Source Suction

Circular design fits any pool shape and style

Meets all industry anti-entrapment safety regulations

Compatible with 2” or 2 1/2 ” plumbing

Made in the USA

Easy access portal

Optional Hydrostatic Valve for high water tables

No stubbing toes

Flush design, robot cleaners won’t get stuck

Comes in two colours, White and Grey

Great for spas and catch basins

Max allowable pulling power*

The largest debris capacity on the market

Combine with the Abyss™ Canister to maximise performance

The Abyss™ containment canister’s innovative design provides the largest debris capacity on the market! The canister captures debris and channels it to the bottom of the basket minimising flow loss for maximum efficiency. The innovative design keeps heavy debris from interfering with the operation of your pool equipment and filtration system while maintaining steady water flow.

Designed for maximum flow while allowing for high volume debris

Conveniently located by the pool equipment for easy access

Can plumb 2 or more parallel for heavy debris environments

High capacity basket design

No unsightly deck lids

Easy access winterizing plug

Clear pressure safe lid

Sized for 2” or 2 1/2” suction lines

Proven to save you chemicals and energy for the life of your pool

Energy dollar for energy dollar more cleaning power. Q360+ save up to 15-20% in chemical costs and 20-30% in heating costs. Q360+ is the only system that consistently delivers savings throughout your entire pool at every pump speed.


How does the Q360™ In-Floor Cleaning System remove debris from the pool?

Strategically placed cleaning jets sweep up dirt and debris from the pool floor and keep it in suspension so it is removed through the skimmer and drain as the water is turned over by the filtration system.

How do the cleaning jet zones sequence?

A patent pending turbine-driven water valve controls the Q360™’s cleaning and circulation systems. Water flows through the valve and out to the strategically placed cleaning jets in the pool. The zones switch automatically in a set sequence with no electrical hookup.

Do the cleaning jets need to be set in a specific sequence?

The cleaning jets themselves do not need to be manually sequenced, as they will not stay in sequence for long. They simply should be plumbed so that they cycle from the shallow area to the deeper area of the pool.

How do the cleaning jets rotate?

The cleaning jets have an offset hole that thrusts the nozzle forward while it transitions from the up to down position, turning the cleaning jet slightly. Each time the nozzle comes on it has moved to a new position and will clean a new area of the pool.

How do I determine if a sticking cleaning jet is a cleaning jet problem or a valve problem?

Turn off the pump. If the cleaning jet retracts it is a valve problem – if the cleaning jet remains in the up position it is a stuck cleaning jet.

If a cleaning jets seems to be working but the area around it is not cleaning, what is wrong?

There is probably a blockage in the cleaning jet. Simply remove the cleaning jet and clear the blockage.

What is the purpose of the O-ring on the nozzle?

The O-ring acts as a cushion or spring to make the bayonet lock work.

How do I get debris out of a cleaning jet body so my cleaning jet nozzle will go in?

Before installing a cleaning jet nozzle into a body that has been without a cleaning jet nozzle for a period of time, allow the system to blow through the line to eliminate any debris that may have fallen into the line. If heavier debris (such as rocks) has lodged in the body and won’t clear, place the install tool over the hole to create turbulence in the body cup. This will eliminate any debris in the body cup.

Why are there two drains in my pool?

Two points of suction are safer than one. Many municipalities are now requiring two drains for each pump even when it is also tied to a skimmer.

Do I need surface returns with my Q360TM In-Floor System?

The Q360™ System does not require the use of surface returns. The force of the cleaning jets mixes and turns over the surface water eliminating the need to direct water to the surface.

Why does my water valve pressure fluctuate?

Each time the water valve switches, the next port opens before the one that has finished shuts off. The Q360™ water valve always operates so that the system is pressure safe.

How can I pressure test the system?

A special molded plug is available to fit the body that will hold up to 50psi.

Why use a booster pump?

The addition of a booster pump to the system allows the cleaning nozzles to continue to work at peak efficiency because they are not subject to an increasingly dirty filter. The system then allows the pool water to be turned more quickly, thereby not needing to run as long.

Why is my water valve next to the pool instead of by the equipment?

Placing the water valve next to the pool greatly reduces the quantity of pipe necessary to plumb the system. It also allows easier servicing of the system with the pause knob readily available to the pool area.

If my module fails, can I run my pool without it?

The water valve housing does not need a module in place to have water go through it. Remove the module and replace the seal lid and clamp, and water will be sent to all return points in the pool, so you will have circulation.

Why is it important to rinse a cartridge filter before removing the filter element?

Failure to rinse the inside of the filter with the drain plug removed will cause debris to reenter the pool when the cartridge is lifted out.

How do I winterize the system?

It is easy to winterize the system with parts that are available from Blue Square Manufacturing. See Winterization Instructions.

Why should the heater have an external bypass?

Even though most heaters come with an internal bypass, an external bypass is required to ensure that both the heater and the in-floor system function properly. The high flow rate of the in-floor system does not allow efficient transfer of heat in the heater, so a bypass is necessary to slow down the water going over the heat exchanger. The bypass also reduces the restriction on the system.

Is there any guarantee on the components of the Q360TM System?

Three year product warranty on parts and material.

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Have more questions? Call us at 03 5821 1270